Soltero Male en Ghana, , Singles en Greater Accra, Accra Male

Kay2020: be real and honest please....
Buscando: Hembra Edad 18 a 75
Estado: 38 Soltero Derecho Masculino
Interés en: Compañero de actividades
Etnicidad Negro/africano
Vivo: Vivir solo
Eye Catcher: Brazos
Altura: 6'0 pulgadas
Cuerpo: Atlético y musculoso
Pelo ojos: Afro, Negro
Fumar: De ninguna manera
Beber: Nunca lo toques
Ejercicio 4 veces a la semana
Política: Ninguna
Educación: Deserción escolar
Religión: cristiano
Ingresos: Menos de $15,000
Ocupación: Private
Descendencia: No Answer
Personalidad: Gracioso
País: Ghana

I am a cool guy i communicate optimism and expectancy to my friends, I love to laugh and smile. You will always know where you stand with me, and I love mathematics, Biology and Chemistry, so I am levelheaded, mature, smart, appreciative, hardworking and intune with my values and emotions. I am very supportive of those who close to me. I am Mysterious at times, with a good heart. I consider myself to be a honest, sincere type of man. I will never say something that is intentionally mean or deceiving. I Just be myself.