After a 17 yr relationship that started young, grew apart and I tried my best but i am finally, over it and have been for years. trying to get back on my feet, now just trying to find a man to settle

Pamela6262: let’s set the ball rolling....
Buscando: Masculino Edad 39 a 90
Estado: 44 Soltero Derecho Hembra
Interés en: Relación a largo plazo
Etnicidad Blanco/Caucásico
Vivo: Vivir con padres
Eye Catcher: Extremo
Altura: 5'4 pulgadas
Cuerpo: Promedio
Pelo ojos: Negro, Azul
Fumar: De ninguna manera
Beber: Nunca lo toques
Ejercicio A veces
Política: Ninguna
Educación: Alguna educación superior
Religión: cristiano
Ingresos: Menos de $15,000
Ocupación: Cook
Descendencia: Ninguna
Personalidad: Saliente
País: United States

After a 17 yr relationship that started young, grew apart and I tried my best but i am finally, over it and have been for years. trying to get back on my feet, now just trying to find a man to settle down and go on adventures and enjoy life

Cooking  Hiking Music  Movies