Soltero Female en Philippines, , Singles en Cebu, naga Female

Jaya0729: hello...
Buscando: Masculino Edad 30 a 55
Estado: 41 Soltero Derecho Hembra
Interés en: Compañero de actividades
Etnicidad asiático
Vivo: Vivir con padres
Eye Catcher: Ojos
Altura: 5'6 pulgadas
Cuerpo: Promedio
Pelo ojos: marrón, marrón
Fumar: De ninguna manera
Beber: Solo socialmente
Ejercicio A veces
Política: Ninguna
Educación: Alguna educación superior
Religión: cristiano
Ingresos: $15,001 a $25,000
Ocupación: No Answer
Descendencia: Ninguna
Personalidad: Saliente
País: Philippines

m an open book, turn me one page at a time to unravel my story, Im not desperate or lonely, just adventurous enough to date online..To look for something new to love or to be with my prince...Beware I may just be the most awesome person youll ever meet..Im dangerously overloaded with intellectuality. I can make your mind swoon..Brawny and brainy..Im not always as confident as I seem ... there are many nights and many days when all I want is to be held. I love being held. Always. Sometimes I dont want to talk about what is bothering me ... sometimes I just want a hug ... someone who will let me cry. I like when boys cry in front of me when people arent afraid to show what theyre really feeling. I dont like when people run from their true feelings because it doesnt do anyone any good. I wear my heart on my sleeve, but I am not naive. I know what it feels like to be completely broken and I am all too familiar with what it means to be hurt. I know what its like to see something funny and not laugh. Ive been taken advantage of, used, and abused. My feelings have been blatantly disregarded. But I still believe that all people are good at heart ... and my trust in people has not diminished. To be completely honest, I hope it never does. Ever.