Soltero Male en United States, , Singles en Colorado, Denver Male

Passion45: beauiful ocean...
Buscando: Hembra Edad 45 a 60
Estado: 54 Divorciado Derecho Masculino
Interés en: Relación a largo plazo
Etnicidad Blanco/Caucásico
Vivo: Vivir solo
Eye Catcher: Brazos
Altura: 5'7 pulgadas
Cuerpo: Promedio
Pelo ojos: Negro, Otro
Fumar: De ninguna manera
Beber: De vez en cuando
Ejercicio 2 veces a la semana
Política: Conservador
Educación: No Answer
Religión: cristiano
Ingresos: $15,001 a $25,000
Ocupación: Engineer
Descendencia: Ninguna
Personalidad: Saliente
País: United States

Believe in the beauty of life. Enjoy the peace of outside beauty and also the happiness of dancing while listening to the wonderful sounds of music. Believe in protecting our mother nature and appreciate our being. Honorable behavior and manners show a person inside from the outside.I am seeking a friend to enjoy daily life with, someone who can see the beauty in life, someone who can enjoy also simple things. A positive friendly personality is important to me.