I"m romantic, affectionate, kindhearted, benevolent, sincere, faithful, thoughtful, caring, understanding loving and good attitude are my qualities for you think of.Im fun of indoor and outdo

Virghievalsor: cutiesagilady looking for soulmate...
Buscando: Masculino Edad 55 a 65
Estado: 55 Soltero Derecho Hembra
Interés en: Matrimonio
Etnicidad asiático
Vivo: Vivir con padres
Eye Catcher: Sin respuesta
Altura: 5'0 pulgadas
Cuerpo: Flaco
Pelo ojos: Negro, Negro
Fumar: De ninguna manera
Beber: De vez en cuando
Ejercicio A veces
Política: Sin respuesta
Educación: licenciatura
Religión: cristiano
Ingresos: $15,001 a $25,000
Ocupación: BSC Bnkgfinance
Descendencia: Ninguna
Personalidad: Sin respuesta
País: Philippines

I"m romantic, affectionate, kindhearted, benevolent, sincere, faithful, thoughtful, caring, understanding loving and good attitude are my qualities for you think of.Im fun of indoor and outdoor activities, likes going to beaches singing video karaoke, watching TV, strolling, cooking, malling, listening to music. Im very much single, childless and never been married at all up to this age. Im searching for a serious and genuine kind of relationship. Scammers stay away please? If you wish and have further interest to my profile please feel free to drop me a few lines soon.
